I haven't decided on all three 2012 goals yet, but one "carry-over" from 2011 is my goal of running a 5K in less than 30 minutes.
My involvement with the "Badass Army" is going to be one of the keys to achieving this goal. Thank you Shannon Colavecchio for this resolution template. Here's my take on it.
Badass Army 2012 Resolution
My body is a fortress that must be respected, fortified and prepared for any and all of life's battles. I, Paula Kiger, as a devoted recruit of the Badass Army, do hereby resolve to stand firm in the duties and responsibilities inherent within.
• I will find at least 30 minutes a day at least five days a week for moderate physical activity. My personal fitness goal is to be active 30 minutes a day for six days a week. I choose a variety of things for my physical activity (ies). This variety includes:
Running three days a week, with one of those days being interval training.
Cross Training two days a week.
Yoga at least once a week.
I will not back down from opportunities to have fun while being fit, even if they are outside of my comfort zone. I will also actively seek out and promote fitness opportunities that do good for causes I support. (This italicized section is an addition to the template.)
• I will not use the D-word. Instead, I will eat to live; I will eat to fuel my active lifestyle.
• I will fuel my Badass with clean food, 85 to 90 percent of the time, incorporating "real food" like fruits and vegetables, dairy and lean meats and fish into my eating.
• When I crave something that falls in the category of "not so Badass approved," I will - approximately 10 to 15 percent of the time - let myself enjoy it in moderation. Life is about enjoyment, not an existence of meager rice cakes.
• I will in all things seek balance, taking care of my fortress even as I push it to new challenges.
• I will complete one fitness challenge that I have, until now, been too under-challenged*, sleep deprived**, or overweight*** to do. My personal goal is to, before the end of 2012, run a 5K in 29:59 or less.
• I will support, respect and cheer on my fellow recruits. I will not be afraid to turn to them for guidance or encouragement when I need it. When I need a swift kick in the Badass for motivation, I will ask for that, too.
• I will not let the criticisms or passive-aggressive comments of naysayers bring me down. My eyes will stay on the prize.
• If I fall down, I will get back up and press on. That’s how the Badass Army rolls.
I am strong and capable of great things. I will use this resolution as constant guidance and motivation in the year ahead. Hooah!
*By underchallenged I mean that I have not sufficiently challenged myself. This is why I am working on adding a second activity to some of my days, such as Tabata drills in the morning and yoga in the evening.
**Gary Droze, who coaches our interval sessions, asked me about my sleep. When I sheepishly admitted how much sleep I (don't) get, he said to envision it like a farmer who has planted carrots. If he pulls them out of the ground every night to check how they're doing, the carrots will never have an opportunity to reach their full potential. The parallel applies to fitness - your body needs time to recover every night in order to reach its highest capacity.
***Estimates vary, but some sources say a 10 pound weight loss can result in a minute shaved off of a 5K race time. Here's one article.
I pray that you will fulfill your 5K resolution. Run it for yourself and for those of us who have conditions that will prohibit us from ever reaching that type of goal.
Dear Anonymous, I don't know if you will ever see this, but your prayers are appreciated and your comment really touched me. I will pray for you too - wish I could look you in the eyes and say that! :-)
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